Articles & Reads.
Getting started with React Context API
Quick Walkthrough · React Context API is a way to share data between components in a React application without having to pass props down through multiple...
Implementing Authentication and Authorization using Context API in Next.js
In today's digital landscape, web applications require robust security measures to protect sensitive user data and ensure proper access control. Authentication and authorization are fundamental components of any secure web application. Authentication is the process of verifying a user's identity,
Continuous deployment of application using CI/CD.
Continuous Deployment is a software development practice that involves automatically releasing every change made to a codebase to production. This is....
Building a Chat App with Next.js, Node.js and
In this tutorial, we will be building a chat app using Next.js, a popular framework for building server-rendered React applications. This chat app...
Go Beyond: A Story of Failure
Today, I want to share my story in hopes that it might inspire others to achieve their dream jo...
Some Very Common Mistakes to avoid when coding.
Mistake 1. Bad Variable Names Variables are essential in programming. Use them as they are intended. It will not make your life easier but also make...
Optimizing your web app with Micro frontend architecture.
In today's fast-paced world, the web has become an essential part of our lives. Web applications have come a long way from simple HTML pages to...
React: Advanced Techniques for crafting high-performance components.
React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces and creating reusable components. While it's relatively easy to get started...
Architecting Large-scale Javascript Applications
In the past we have worked with large javascript applications and frameworks and it...
Reducing Motion to Improve Accessibility
Hey friends! In this post, I am going to walk you through a newer medi...
How CSS Position Sticky Really Works: Tips For Beginners.
If you just started learning HTML/CSS, you can easily get caught by the outstanding improvements that we get every day, like flexbox or grid... or a...
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